Posts tagged Firefox
How to be logged into multiple Gmail accounts or any other account

I have multiple Gmail accounts, one for personal, one for work, and one just to play around with, and there have been times were I want to see all  my accounts at the same time.  How do I solve this issue? Well, I have been doing this for a long time and taking it for granted until I told my friend about it. I was surprised he didn't know . In order to have multiple Gmail accounts open or any other account open at the same time you can either do two things.

  1. Now all three of the most popular browser, Internet Explorer, Firefox, and Chrome have a privacy mode. You can have one account in normal mode and the other account in privacy mode. That way you will have two windows of each with a different account and you can see both at the same time.
  2. The Second way is to have different browsers. You may pick from the following three  Internet Explorer, Firefox, and Chrome. Open one account in one browser and the other in account in another browser.
You can either chose either if these steps and it will solve your problem. Happy browsing!!
Who has Unfriended You on Facebook?

I can say that three people this week have unfriended me on Facebook. You know who you are! Well, before I start any drama, I have found a browser add-on that notifies and integrates into Facebook to let you know who has unfriended you. It works really well because it seems as if Facebook has integrated this feature. Simply install the add-on, Unfriend Finder, to your browser(Firefox, Google Chrome, Safari, and Opera) and log into Facebook. You will have four buttons in the upper right hand side of your account instead of three. The "Unfriends" button will let you know when someone has decided not to be your friend anymore. Also, this is the right way to do it, do not fall for the scams inside Facebook.

What is slowing down Firefox?

Are you still even on Firefox? I moved a long time ago to Chrome as my main browser but I still use Mozilla Firefox because if its unique add-ons that are not for Chrome.  Well, if your still on Firefox you can disable some add-ons to make your browser as fast as when you first downloaded it. Mozilla has released a list of the add-ons that have an impact on their browser.  Below is the top 6.

Limewire is DEAD!? Download Helper is here to help

BREAKING NEWS!!! Limwire no longer works!! And honestly I have not used it in almost 5 years!! So, many people on the internets are at a lost due to limewire's shutdown. But there is something better for those of you that would like to acquire songs that you like or even videos as well. Be warn may get addicting, I showed some friends how to do this and they got addicted. First you will need Firefox because this is actually an extension and not a full blown program. Next you need to add the extension Download Helper.

Once installed you may download most music and videos from site like rhapsody or  youtube and more. See the video below as an example: (Note: I am using FireFox 4 Beta 6 so your interface will look different)


Once installed go for a test run for example as shown above

play a song and then right click in the browser outside the player

go to downloadhelper  option and then go to media and there you should see a name of an mp3 file

click it and save it and it should be the last song you played.

Try the extension out at the following sites: (let's you preview entire songs ;) ) (videos)

In addition, Downloadhelper provides a list of supported site when your right click and go to the downloadhelper option.

DISCLAIMER: Please support the artist and their music by purchasing their merchandise and albums.

How to change your Home Page in your browser

Sometimes our homepage have been changed just randomly. Usually it happens when you have installed some software or click on spam.  I will show you how to change your homepage in Internet Explorer and Firefox. FireFox

  1. Go and click 'Tools'
  2. Go down the menu and select ' Options...'
  3. You will get the following window
  4. Insert the URL of the your desired home page where is says 'Home Page'
  5. Click 'OK' when you done.

Internet Explorer

  1. Go and click 'Tools'
  2. Go down the menu and select ' Internet Options'
  3. You will get the following window
  4. Insert the URL of the your desired home page where is says 'Home page'
  5. Click 'OK' when you done.

Secure sites using https

Are you a Firefox user? Most people are. Are you concerned about your online security? You very well should be. If you did not know, you can tell when you are on a secure site by checking the address bar in your browser.

That is tip number one. The next tip is forcing your browser to put https on most of the sites you go to. That way you are 100% secure that nobody is reading your data by packet sniffing. In order to force your browser to put https you need Firefox and a plug-in called HTTPS Everywhere. This plug-in will force https on sites like:

  • Google Search
  • Wikipedia
  • Twitter and
  • Facebook
  • EFF and Tor
  • Ixquick, DuckDuckGo, Scroogle and other small search engines
  • and lots more!
Firefox 4 Beta Released

The first beta build for Mozilla's browser, Firefox 4, was just released today with a variety of changes. First and foremost, check to make sure your crucial add-ons are currently compatible with the latest build. In this case, that would be beta1. If all is still well, then install and prepare for the changes (only two of them). The first difference is that tabs are now on top of the window, similar to the layout the beta release for Safari 4 used. If you weren't a fan of them, there is an option for you to return them to their familiar home.

The second is the introduction to the "Firefox button". Instead of a menu bar, you get a button. If you've ever used an app from Microsoft Office, then you know what I'm talking about. Just like the tab change, there's an option for the menu bar to return (which I will be doing).

For now, these changes will only be available for those that use it on Windows but will later be available for Mac and Linux users. You can get the beta here.

Download Embedded Media

A while ago here on OneTechTip, I gave a tip on DownThemAll, a download manager extension for Firefox. Now today's tip is a little similar to it because it's also a Firefox extension to help you download media but with a twist. DownThemAll helps you download media but only if the link to the media is posted on the webpage. If the media in question is embedded behind a media player (let's say it's a song), DownThemAll wouldn't be able to download it. This is where DownloadHelper comes in. You just click on DownloadHelper's icon in the status bar or next to the address bar and the available song(s) will be there ready for you to download. It does video as well with a long list of supported sites including YouTube.

Like DownThemAll, DownloadHelper does have a drawback. It can only download media if the file is already pre-loaded onto the sites servers. If they are streaming the file instead of downloading the file all at once, you will not be able to use DownloadHelper. I'll go over on what to use for that next week.

You can find more info on DownloadHelper here.

Difficulty Level: Easy

An Easy Way to Download Files

DownThemAll screenshot I've been busy with midterms this past week so today's tip is going to be a quickie. If you've ever found yourself downloading a lot of files from a website, you know it can be a drag clicking, even right-clicking for a lot of cases, every link that has the file you want. To help you prevent a case of carpal tunnel syndrome, I present you DownThemAll. DownThemAll is a download manager add-on for Mozilla's web browser, Firefox. It not only manages your downloads but it also does behind the scene actions like download accelerating. The main reason why I use it so much is the ability to scan sites for all sorts of media. Whether the files are pictures, movies, audio, or even archived files like .zip and .rar, it generates a list of all the links on the page and you just choose the files that you want.

It's as simple as that. DownThemAll works on Firefox for both Windows and Mac. You can download and find out more about DownThemAll here. And to use DownThemAll, you need Firefox but you already have that. Right? RIGHT? If not, shame on you and download it here.