j2 Global inc. and Android Apps
During the summer of 2014 I had an opportunity to work at j2 Global inc. This was an excellent opportunity because I was trusted with various Android projects. As an intern I accepted the challenge. At first I worked on their 1# application, eFax. I was to research Android test frameworks to cover both functional and unit tests for eFax. I discovered many frameworks such as jUnit, Espress, Spoon Runner, and UIAutomator. After comparing and contrasting I built test plans to run daily.
My second project at j2 was to implement features and fix known defects into their Android app, OneBox. I had the opportunity to comb through existing code and reorganize classes and activities. This would provide a structure so future code refactoring would be minimized.
Towards my last two weeks, I was given a lot of responsibility to port an existing Android project, MobileFax, originally written in Xamarin and port it to Android Java. With only two weeks I learned C# and Xamarin project structure. This allowed me to understand the limitations of features and APIs implemented server side. Once I understood the Xamarin project I worked with a UX person to plan how the new re-written Android app would look and feel. My last week was spent implementing API calls, helper functions, Async tasks, and XML for the UI. With one day to spare I present the app to management.