Want to replace WordPress and go more deep in creating your own domain? Well, here's a good website to go to. It's called 1&1. With this you can do many things. You can create a business website and all sorts of things. You can choose from all the website extensions. Some are like .com, .org, and .edu. The prices vary on what domain you use. For example, if you use a domian with a .com on the end will cost $7.99 per year. The cheapest one available is .us which costs $0.99 per year. So if you want to further into blogging, its time for upgrade time!
Got picture from: here
The internet has evolved and grown out so much. We no longer need help to publish our own content. We have YouTube to publish videos. We have Facebook to inquire on what movie to go see and now we have Wordpress.com. Wordpress.com is a free service that allows you to create an account and make your own blog. Wordpress makes it easy to choose the appearance of your blog because they offer pre-made templates and it's easy to publish because its basic to post like writing in a word document. Go ahead and sign up by clicking on the big orange button on their site. Here is a link if you need more basic instruction and information about how to start on wordpress.com. Have fun.
PicFrom[by 4_EveR_YounG]