Just found out about a nifty site/service for those who listen to music on YouTube (me included). EndlessYouTube is the name, fittingly enough, and does exactly what the name suggests; It constantly plays a YouTube video on repeat until you choose to stop it. Sure you can do it yourself but the simplicity begs you to use it instead. All you have to do is add "endless" to the beginning of the URL and you're good to go. You get the YouTube URL of the video you want, in this example I'll use Gorillaz' (Some of the best music you will ever hear) Tomorrow Comes Today video. So you have your URL, http://youtube.com/watch?v=0KxHqJwO1-Q, and change it to http://endlessyoutube.com/watch?v=0KxHqJwO1-Q.
You can also just grab the video ID, in this case it's "0KxHqJwO1-Q", head over to EndlessYouTube and paste the ID into the appropriate box. The service does have it's faults though. Because it's using the embedding feature, it won't work with videos that turned off embedding.
Another amazing feature is you can choose to loop over a segment of the video. Just use this format http://www.endlessyoutube.com/watch?v=VIDEO_ID&start=[e.g.%201m10s]&end=[e.g.%201m20s] and choose the segment you want to loop.