Posts tagged free
The Easy Way to Protect Your Files with a Password


Just last week I was helping out a person who had gone through some tough incidents. That person had files stolen from their personal computer. Those files were sold online for a high amount of money. This sadden me and immediately I thought of what things could have been done to protect the user.  The user told me about a program they were told about, Safe House Explorer. I looked into and was impressed by the simplicity and security level.  Safe House Explorer is a FREE program that creates a secure password protected folder or as they call it a vault. It uses maximum-strength 256-bit advanced encryption to completely hide and defend your sensitive files.

I would defiantly suggestion users to double thinking about their security and take action about their personal data.

Free Legal Full Length Movies

Here's a treat that many people are not aware of. Youtube the past year or two has increasing been updating the site to support full length movies/documentaries. What many Youtubers do not know is they could watch full length featured movies without the Part 1/10, Part 2/10, etc.

Youtube has a section of Full Length Documentaries and Feature Films. Even a free section which you may view here.

And with a recent announcement that Youtube will feature over 100 original channels in a year or two expect Youtube to replace cable/satellite very soon.

Google Flights

The holiday season is around the corner and many people travel around the country to visit family. One thing that is always a hassle, now that travel agents aren't around as much, is booking that flight ticket. Google made it easier by making a simple flight tool at This was expected because they acquired ITA in April 2011.

With this simple tool you can choose from the regular parameters like price range, duration, departure, return, and many more  but the thing that I really like is the graph they show you which can be manipulated to see the shortest and cheapest flight. I believe Google did a good job. I know I wont be visiting those other cluttered sites to search for flights.


Look at the Alternatives

OneTech Tip has addressed alternatives to Windows and Mac OSX but what about the software. There are hundreds if not thousands of software that is free to use without a cost to the user. In some cases the open sourced software is sometime better, more efficient or meets your specific needs in comparison to larger, bloated commercial software.

Open Source Alternative is a great place to start if your looking for some free and open sourced software ranging from office software to games as well. Now, the site I noticed does not have an exhaustive list but it does provide some good suggestions for alternative software. For example, you may search for an alternative to Photoshop and it will yield Gimp.

If you are looking into becoming a more part of the open sourced movement consider this site to help you meet all your needs. Here's a challenge, try only using open source software for a week or a month.

Open Source as Alternative:

How to make an Animated picture(GIF)

Remember Myspace? I know everyone is on Facebook now and animated pictures are not  popular anymore but you never know when trends can reappear.  Today's tip is how to create an  animated picture or also called GIF. If you head over to and browse over to upload your pictures in sequence. You are able to change the speed and size of GIF.  When you set just click "Create Animation". Below is an example.

[caption id="" align="alignright" width="200" caption="Image via Wikipedia"]Graphics Interchange Format[/caption]


Bing has games

Many do not know what but to put it simple it is Microsoft's version of Bing just recently released Bing Games. Here, you may play any flash game.They are slowly rolling out more and more games. One of my all time is Plants VS Zombies. I have played it on my itouch and I was addicted to it. There are many more games , like 8 Ball Champion, Blackjack, and many more. Let us know which is your favorite.

Share your wifi on Windows 7

I believe I hit a jackpot in saving you maybe around $100 and maybe just spending $25. If you have windows 7 and a laptop or a desktop with a wireless network adapter that receive a wired connection you certainly benefit.  Instead of having a router, just use your computer to create a wireless signal.  To start, you must download connectify at  From here use the software and create your hot spot by naming it, putting a password, and sharing that wired internet. It is that easy, plus it is free! Here is a video from with more instructions: [youtube=]

Have fun!

Create a free account on itunes

We all (basically) have ipods, ipads, itouches and have been forced to create a itunes account to download music, tv shows, and apps.  Now, I just found out that apple has allowed you to create a free account since in the past you were forced to enter a form of payment.  If you feel more secure of  apple not having your credit card then, switch to a free account, by opting out.

Want to start your blog?

The internet has evolved and grown out so much. We no longer need  help to publish our own content. We have YouTube to publish videos. We have Facebook to inquire on what movie to go see and now we have is a free service that allows you to create an account and make your own blog. Wordpress makes it easy to choose the appearance of your blog because they offer pre-made templates and it's easy to publish because its basic to post like writing in a word document. Go ahead and sign up by clicking on the big orange button on their site. Here is a link if you need more basic instruction and information about how to start on Have fun.

PicFrom[by 4_EveR_YounG]

I need directions where am i going!!!

Hey Everyone! Today's post I thought I might bring up a post that I have brought up in the past but maybe was not highlighted. Many of us for sure have cell phones and SMS but many of us do not have maps or a GPS unit to guide us when we need directions to get somewhere. Well, with Google's FREE maps Google will send you directions to your phone without a computer.  Yes just using SMS. Here is the number 466453 (GOOGLE).

First, send it  in this format:

Start Zip Code "to" Destination Zip Code

EX:   93460 to 93117

Google will send you a message with directions.