Posts tagged cell phones
Want To Know Your Cell Phone Raditaion level?

In the last year, there are many debates on the question: "Do cell phones cause cancer?" This unanswered question is scary to think about because we all use cell phones day in and day out. Even our cell phones become alarm clocks. We can just hope that cell phones don't give us cancer.  If you are one of those people who are alert to this discussion, you can take some very simple steps of precaution.

1) Don't use a cell phone (Okay maybe not totally possible ).

2) Use headphones when talking to somebody.

3) Use the speaker phone.

4) Get a phone that has a low radiation level.  Below is a link to a CNET article on Radiations levels  from cell phones. Great source!

Cell phone radiation levels

Wireless Issues

Do you have problems with your wireless connection? Here are a couple of things I consider when having reception issues. I learned these from experience and some vague knowledge of physics.

  • keep the router and the receptor at the same height
  • improve the range of the router by not having it at ground level
  • if you have a USB wireless adapter on a computer, make the best effort to not have it directly  connected to the computer; use a USB male to female cable to extend it; it will mimic an antenna
  • keep other radioactive devices such as cell phones away from the wireless receptor
  • change the channel on the router
  • keep general electronics and power extensions away from the receiver and router

Most of these issues are caused by interference ( other devices) or the propagation of the signal. Give it a try! If you have other suggestions, feel free to comment!